The effectiveness of DASH diet for lowering blood pressure and delaying the progression of CKD

Background: State the general purpose of the review, how the topic was selected, and why it needs to be explored further. Justify the narrative review with background information about the research field.Consider what is already known about the topic and what is unknown.  State the specific aims/objectives of your narrative review and what you want to accomplish

Compare and contrast: consider the samples that were studied and the similarities and differences (eg, mean age, gender, mean BMI), consider the interventions and the similarities and differences (eg, diet, physical activity, medication), consider the outcomes and the similarities and differences (eg, weight loss, change in blood pressure, improvement in blood glucose values), what is the relationships between the independent and dependent variables, consider what the authors reported as the strengths and limitations to the studies (eg, sample size, self-recall bias, use of self-administered questionnaires).

Conclusion: what is the overall conclusion of the studies and how will this information inform clinical practice; what should RDNs know and how can they apply these findings and; finally what might be areas of future research on the topic.