Environmental pollution and Climate change

  1.Research Environmental pollution and Climate change issue, and synthesize this research with your own ideas and analysis in order to convince your reader to change behavior or adopt a course of action.
  2.For this essay, you must use at least five sources, of which at least two must be scholarly, and you will need to reference them using MLA style.
double-spaced, the first line of paragraphs indented; 11 or 12 point font in a
standard type; one-inch margins.
title page. Please include your title, your name, my name, the assignment, and the date of submission, as per usual. Do not underline or italicize your own title, but do italicize or put quotation marks around published titles (as appropriate) included in your title.
Use page numbers, remembering that the first page of text is page 1.
Identify all sources (whether quoted or paraphrased) using MLA parenthetical citation.
List all sources in a Works Cited page, using MLA style.