Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write about the death penalty . below are arguments FOR and AGAINST  the death penalty as well as their OBJECTIONS.


agreeing for death penalty :

A. Present what you see as the strongest argument FOR of the death penalty “

Argument #1: for Protection of society: dead murderers cant kill again.

Objection #1 :there are less drastic means to this end e.g. life imprisonment without parole.

Against death penalty :

B. Present what you see as the strongest argument AGAINST the death penalty

Discrimination: bias in the U.S. justice system results in disproportionately many blacks being executed, which is unjust.

80% of death penalty cases involve white victims

99% of those sentenced to death are poor and rely on public defenders.

Objection 1: (van den Haag): these inequalities dont make executions any less deserved, hence just.

Reply 1: But social respect for the justice system is damaged if it is perceived to be discriminatory in its penalties.

C. Which of these arguments do you think is stronger in this debate and should determine our
policy and why?