
This is the second, and longer, writing assignment for the Adopt and Organism Project. You should have received feedback from the Natural History writing assignment. Please read over the comments made by your TAs and be sure you make modifications in style and format into this paper. In this assignment, you need to develop a hypothesis or outline a problem that will be addressed by the body of your paper. You will then discuss the current state of scientific research on this topic using information gleaned from various primary research articles. Do not simply say paper 1 says this, paper 2 says this, paper 3 says this, etc. Instead, use the information in your sources to tell a story about this topic, addressing what we know and what questions or issues still remain. Your paper should be six to eight pages in length (not including references), use standard 1″
margins, Times New Roman 12-point font, and your paper should be double spaced. You need a minimum of three primary literature sources – please keep secondary sources to a minimum if they are used at all. The Review of Scientific Research paper will be worth 40 points and will be due on Sunday, 8 November, at 11:59 pm.

** I selected Lion as my organism****