Peek Vision project

Question 1. Explain how Dr. Bastawrous has utilized either Six-Sigma or Redesign techniques in his project.

Question 2. From a process standpoint, do you see some aspects of this new process that could prove to be bottlenecks (e.g. training of people to use smartphones correctly)?  Explain.

Answer A:

Question 1.Explain how Dr. Bastawrous has utilized either Six-Sigma or Redesign techniques in his project.

-Define customer requirements and goals for the process/product/service:
1.Reduce the number of people in Kenya that were losing their vision due to an issue that is either preventable or curable.
-Measure and match performance to customer requirements:
1.Acknowledged that the patients with the highest needs were the least likely to get care.
2.Brought in high tech equipment to perform exams.
3.Large team of 15 people.
-Analyze and assess process/product/service design:
1.Difficulty getting heavy, power generated equipment to members of the community.
2.Cost was high for the equipment.
3.Realized more people had access to a mobile phone than clean water.
-Design and implement new processes/products/services:
1.This led to the development of Portable Eye Examination Kit (PEEK).
2.3d printed hardware that attaches to the phone.
3.Gives data about the retina to determine the eye issues.
4.Single person using a smart phone, bike, and solar power backpack.
5.Data sent to experts to diagnose and suggest treatment plans.
-Verify results and maintain performance:
1.Many trials in schools and communities.
2.Locations and dates set up to implement treatment plans.

Dr. Bastawrous looked at the number of people who were blind in a given region. He found out that 80% of blindness was either preventable or curable. He and his family went to Kenya to find out why there were so many going blind and what could his group do to change this. One of the challenges was power was not readily available to run all the high tech equipment.

After time Dr. Bastawrous became aware that the patients in most need were the least likely to receive care. He then realized more people had access to a mobile phone than clean, running water. This led to the redesign of the way they would do eye exams. They developed a Portable Eye Examination Kit (PEEK) that uses a mobile phone instead of all the heavy, power-generated equipment. There is a hardware attachment for the phone that will allow examination of the retina. The cost of this hardware is $500 compare to the original high tech equipment at a cost of $25,000.

PEEK allows community health care workers to travel to the community members by bicycle. They are able to go to places an automobile could not travel. To keep the phone charged they would plug in to a solar power backpack. The data is sent to an expert that will give a diagnosis and treatment plan.

All of this data is available to doctors via a website. They are able to look at communities and drill down by condition. The doctors are able to use this data to set up locations and dates for the treatment plans to be implemented.

Question 2.From a process standpoint, do you see some aspects of this new process that could prove to be bottlenecks (e.g. training of people to use smartphones correctly)?  Explain.

The use of a cellphone is a good idea. The issue may be the compatibility with other software and speed of connectivity. In areas such as Kenya, they do have access to smartphones. The issue will be the age of the phone. While many users in the US are on the iPhone 12, they may still be using an older version, such as the iPhone 3. Programing PEEK to work with old phones but wanting high tech visuals of the eyes may be an issue at some point. It may be high risk for a worker to have a newer cell phone. They may get robbed, or worse, so someone may have a phone worth a lot of money.

In areas where a truck cannot travel and they are taking a bike to get there may not have the best reception for the data transmission. During the TED talk they discussed getting the data to a doctor to create a treatment plan. They do not discuss any issues when the data will not go through. There may have to be another improvement to the product to save the data so it can be sent when they get to a home base that has Wi-Fi accessibility. A live stream may not always be an option.

Answer B:

Question 1.Explain how Dr. Bastawrous has utilized either Six-Sigma or Redesign techniques in his project.

Dr. Bastawrous mission was to help blind people in poor countries be able to regain vision by treating curable diseases. This is a significant goal with many challenges as he presented in the video. To solve for this goal and ultimately treat patients he utilized all of the six-sigma elements.

Dr. Bastawrous knew through data that more people in Sub-Saharan Africa had cell phones than running water, therefore seeing an opportunity. That sparked an idea of development of a cell phone application that challenged the traditional process of using bulky eye diagnostic equipment.

Through continuous improvement, the technology evolved to include an inexpensive hardware attachment that was capable of taking high quality images of the retina for diagnostics. The technology was focused on the end user, the application was made so anyone could easily use it. This is a significant contrast to traditional methods, which were costly, required special equipment and special training.

The technology further was developed when challenges were faced on how to charge the phones by adding a solar energy charger pack. Improvements were made based on lessons learned; as an example, they realized the need for sharing the data in non-medical terms, so everyone could understand. Again, making it easier to use for the end user. 

The collaboration built between those in the field taking the images, elders in the community locating those in need, and the eye specialists around the world offering treatment is in my opinion what ultimately solved for the root cause of the problem. Which is getting care to the people who need the care the most, those with treatable blindness.

Six-sigma is all about streamlining, continuously improving processes. The statistic near the end of the presentation sums up the success of the program. Prior to the development of this application and hardware, it took 15 people and $150,000 worth of equipment to treat people, now with the solution all is needed is 1 person, a $500 cell phone and a bike; a significantly more efficient process. 

Question 2.From a process standpoint, do you see some aspects of this new process that could prove to be bottlenecks (e.g. training of people to use smartphones correctly)?  Explain.

I think there are a number of bottlenecks that could come up. The first one that I thought of was the cellular network and the coverage available in those remote parts of Africa. Unreliable service could delay the ability to get quick access to send images and get results back. That may require multiple trips to a village, one to do the images, and then travel to a location with coverage, and then return with treatment.

Another bottleneck I could foresee is the patients themselves resisting being tested and receiving treatment. Dr. Bastawrous discussed the fact they learned to incorporate non-medical jargon to help with understanding, however some may still be reluctant to receive treatment. This could lead to diagnosis being done without treatment occurring, resulting in wasted diagnostic time.

One key part of the process Dr. Bastawrous didnt explain much was the treatment itself. Im assuming from comments in the presentation that many of the eye problems are common and are treated with a common set of drugs. But, from a process standpoint, given the remoteness and the trouble of locating individuals, I would assume it is important to diagnosis and treat during the same visit. Therefore, having adequate supply of drugs on hand would be very important. I think it would be a significant bottleneck if supplies ran out or not having the correct treatment on hand requiring return visits and time loss re-locating individuals.

Answer A and Answer B are answers to question 1 and question 2 in two variations. Please watch the video above and review Answer A and Answer B. Please make comment/response on both answers (A and B) whether you agree or disagree with stated by providing reasons/justifications from video and own experience. Please write half page to each answer (A and B).