2 Discussion topic

There are two topics
Discussion 7: The Workplace
OK, we talked about good bosses last week. Let’s talk about other factors that create a good workplace.

I’m especially curious if it’s ever enough just to make lots of money–I’m assuming a couple of you have had a chance to make what you considered lots of money. If you haven’t, is your course of study right now aimed mostly at pulling down the big bucks? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing! We all have rent to pay, and everyone makes a different decision about how much money is enough.

Life is comparison–a very unpleasant workplace in the past may have made you appreciate current conditions in a new way. I generally don’t post topics that encourage negative comments (it’s too tempting–think about where we could have gone with the topic of “your worst boss” last week!), but if you want to talk about a current good situation in light of a past bad one, go ahead.

So, besides a good boss, what other factors have contributed to your job satisfaction? Good pay? Flexible working hours? An on-site gym or daycare? Stock options? Knowing your company is does good work? Just having a job? C’mon, there’s got to be something you like about it!
Discussion 8: Best Ad — Worst Ad
Describe your favorite advertisement, and why. Do you think it is effective in getting people to buy this product?
Describe an advertisement that you think is bad for whatever reason, and why you think so. Is it offensive? Ineffective? Unethical? Who do you think this ad is aimed at? Why would a company use “bad” advertising? Do people buy the product anyway? Why?