Ethical Analysis

Starting on Monday of Module 2: Week 2, begin making notes of the following:

1.    Specific situations at your job in which decision-making was or was not based on ethical principles,
2.    Your participation in or response to the situation,
3.    Whether or not you think the situation was handled correctly, and
4.    Suggestions for how the situation could be better addressed in the future. Provide a plan for handling situations in the future.

Keep track of the specific days, times, and circumstances surrounding the situations in question. Continue to record this information until Friday of Module 2: Week 2.

At the end of the week, use your journal notes to write a 56-page Ethical Analysis Paper. Include anecdotal information and critical analyses of the situations, including implications of events for self, students, and coworkers. Based on items 3 and 4 above, create a plan for personal growth with future goals and/or a plan of action for the future. In order to respect the privacy of others, refrain from including names or other identifying information. Format the paper in correct and current APA style.