Simulating Osmotic Pressure

Moreover, the title of your report should be somewhat descriptive, meaning you will need to briefly describe what has occurred during your experiment. For example, the effects of solute concentration on osmosis. Moreover, the abstract will summarize the lab report in entirety, thus a sentence or two should be used to brief the reader on relevant information within the report (ex. background info. on osmosis, purpose, results, etc.). Next is the introduction which should provide the reader with background information (citations) supportive material about osmosis. This section should also include the purpose and hypothesis. The materials and methods should follow the introduction and should detail the steps of the lab experiment. Please note this section as well as the others should be written in past tense and third person. Following the materials and methods should be the results area where you will provide a written account of the results and a table of results. The discussion comes after the results section, and in this area of the report you will need to begin by stating rather the hypothesis was supported or not supported. Additionally, you will need to explain the results in this section of the report. Finally, the reference page lists the sources that you have cited in the paper.