
1) For each of the four readings (Ignatius, Perpetua, Tertullian, Macrina), identify the key risk or cost addressed by each respective reading. How are they similar? How are they different? Which of these readings do you find applicable to your life? Why? (If you think none are applicable, state why.) How does this reading exercise shape your thoughts on finding your purpose or calling?

2) Today Christianity is not an outlawed religion, and for the most part Christians in the west do not face persecution, as did those in the first Christian centuries. Still, many Christians find parallels between the first Christian centuries and today. What, if any, parallels do you see between the difficulties described by Tertullian and those faced by Christians today (see pp. 2425 for the editors view)? What message might Tertullian have for those who hear Gods call today?

3) The most challenging reading in this module is from Augustines Confessions. In the third thread, give your answers to each of the following questions:

With what worldly pursuits and loves is Augustine obsessed before his conversion to Christianity? What Christian virtues are the mirror opposite of these pursuits and loves?
What parallels do you see between his pursuits and desires and those that society promotes among people today?
To which, if any, of Augustines pursuits and loves do you relate? Explain.
How would Augustine describe what it means to follow Christ?

4) In my introductory video I discussed Tertullian’s approach to dealing with persecution of the church. How effective do you think his approach might have been? In light of your answer to this question, how might a person effectively/faithfully approach persecution today, whether of the church (such as in certain places in the world that are hostile to the church) or otherwise?