Verbal Messages – The Power of Words

My professor asked me to read the short articles (attached) about the right words at the right time for Muhammad Ali, and for Robert Johnson and to consider the powerful impact that certain words had on each of these individuals at specific times in their lives. In fact, if it werent for the right words at the right time the world might never have known Muhammad Ali, or Robert Johnson.

In this Discussion Post, I have to answer the following questions:

1. What words have been a powerful influence in your life?
2. Who said them to you, and when and where were you when you heard these words?
3. What has been the effect of these words on your life?
4. What words have YOU spoken to someone else, that have been a powerful influence on their life?  Again, provide just a couple of sentences about who you said these words to, and when and where you were at the time.
5. **Important:  In what way(s) do you feel that verbal messages are important in achieving effective communication with others?  Please explain.