ntegrated delivery system organizations providing health care.

There are many integrated delivery system organizations providing health care.

Identify a specific company, by name, and identify which type of IDS it is.

What is the difference between this business model for a health care provider versus a PPO where patients can choose the various components of providers from anywhere?

You will have the entire week to fix your post.  I recommend posting as early in the week as possible, because I will make comments to your post and you will then have the opportunity to fix your initial post.  If you waiting until Saturday to post, you will not have this opportunity.

Initial Post Requirements

Initial post must be at least 250 words of content.  Repeating the questions and reference will not count toward the 250 words.
The discussion post must reflect the reading or lecture of the week.
All Initial posts need a reference. 
If you are copying something word for word you need to list your source throughout the post.
Spelling, grammar, and format count.
Response Post Requirements

You must respond to one classmate.
Your responses need to be at least 50 words and provide feedback.  One sentence answers will result in a zero.
Spelling and grammar counts.