Nurse leadership

There are two parts to the paper. 
Paper 1  (Due June 4th)

The project will first be written in the format of a proposal paper and submitted to your professor for approval. It must be approved by your professor. The project must be a clinical nursing issue that a staff nurse can address. Staffing ratios, hiring nurses and adding services are not within the scope of the staff nurse as a leader. The proposal should include the following:
1. Clear Definition of the Leadership or Management Problem. (Note- you may not use a previous topic from another course See academic Integrity policy of FSW)
2. How the need was identified and the significance for nursing practice.
3. Description of the stakeholders, financial considerations, regulatory/ legal components, resources potentially needed to implement the project.
4. Specific, Measurable, and realistic Goals of the Project
5. At least 3 References/evidence-based research related to the problem. (Include title page and reference page). NOTE IN RUBRIC- 5 REFERENCES OF SPECIFIED
POINTS IN PAPER. All references must be no older than the past 3-5 years.
6. APA formatting required.

Paper 2 (The two papers go together) paper 2 is add on from paper 1

Based on the AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Nursing, 2009), The student will identify a quality care or patient safety issue that exists in their clinical setting and create proposal with goals, objectives, and strategies to address the issue. This project will integrate and demonstrate leadership and/ or management qualities which include identification of the problem, data collection, research review and interprofessional communication. Included are elements of budgeting, staffing, staff and patient satisfaction, and measurable elements that can be evaluated. The project will require collaboration with stakeholders such as, quality councils, finance, nursing and other departments. The student will attempt to present the proposed project to the leadership of the facility. Course faculty will guide the students in completion of this assignment. Your implementation and measurement strategies must be developed from evidence-based literature and be presented in correct APA format.

The project focuses on a need of the unit/ agency where you practice. It is a demonstration of how you have mastered the process improvement and evidence-based professional practice content grounded in the nursing process based on evidence from previous courses. The project will be presented in a scholarly paper that includes the following:
Brief Description of the Practice Setting
Clear Definition of the Management or Leadership Problem
Significance of the Problem for nursing practice
Review of the Literature Related to the Problem (supported by peer reviewed references)
Proposed Interventions to Address the Problem include alternatives and why you chose one intervention over the other (supported by peer reviewed references)
Resources required to implement personnel, equipment and fiscal, stakeholders, regulatory/ legal components
Potential Barriers and how to overcome
How you will evaluate your intervention -Specific, Measurable Goals or Outcomes includes timeframe and how you will measure them. Include any results if implemented and available.
Use SMART goals
Impact of the Proposed Interventions anticipated if not implemented completely
How will you disseminate your results after completion of the project?
APA formatting should be followed in the paper. Clear and concise writing is critical to presenting your
thoughts. The paper should be 8-10 pages excluding title page, references, and any appendices (if used)
Include any handouts, PowerPoints that you might use in presenting and implementing the paper. These
will be considered appendices.