Unit 3 Discussion

What constitutes ethical behavior while using a computer? Ethics is a system of moral principles, rules, and accepted standards of conduct.  To give an example from one country, the implications and restrictions of U.S. copyright law are that copying of software is illegal. Copying of software by individuals can harm the entire academic community, and the copying and use of software deprives publishers and developers of a fair return for their work, increases prices, reduces the level of future support and enhancements, and can inhibit the development of new software products.

Consider guideline 6: Do not use software (or make illegal copies for others) without paying the creator for it. Have you or anyone you know ever done this, thinking it was okay?
Conduct a Web search on the ethics of copying music or software from another person or the Internet. Discuss some of the information that you find. Some ideas you might want to consider include the following.

Is it legal?
Is it accepted by the general public? Include information on shareware and freeware.
Is copying software moral or immoral?
Is it wrong when so many people are doing it?
Is anyone really harmed?