Film (mass communication in Canada)

Write a 500-750 word reflection on how media you have seen/used/participate in has depicted Canada and how it has shaped your understanding and knowledge of the country. You will be assessed on your specificity of topic (5 points), how detailed your reflections are (5 points), and for structure and style (5 points). A rubric will be posted.

For this assignment, I would like to see you focus on your personal experience with Canada in the media. The best reflections focus on just one media example and provide detail thoughts on how that piece of media made you think or feel about Canada and then how it compares to your actual lived experience in Canada. Since this assignment is about sticking to your own experience, you are not expected to do any external research or citation.

Please let me know if you have any questions, preferably in this thread so others can see the questions in case they have it too.