How do the images of people in the world across income levels effect your view of income inequality and opportunity across the globe

What does it look like when someone in Sweden brushes their teeth or when someone in Rwanda makes their bed? Anna Rosling Rnnlund wants all of us to find out, so she sent photographers to 264 homes in 50 countries to document the stoves, beds, toilets, toys, and more in households from every income bracket around the world. See how families live in Latvia or Burkina Faso or Peru as Rosling Rnnlund explains the power of data visualization to help us better understand the world. 

Watch the 11:42 minute video from the TED Talk series (you should take notes) and then discuss the following:

“How do the images of people in the world across income levels affect your view of income inequality and opportunity across the globe?”

Discuss this in 300 words