You must come up with a thesis for your essay based on the articles weve read on immigrants and language: Keeper of the Word by Lan Cao, Negotiating Identity, by Monileak Ourng and Mother Tongue by Amy Tan.

Here are the requirements:

Your essay should be three or more pages.
You should include two quotes from the readings in your essay.  The two quotes can be from one of the essays.
As a reminder, here are the elements of a good essay:

State your thesis or central idea
Attention getter (hook)
Tell a story (anecdote)
Ask a question
Make a provocative (thought-provoking) statement
Start with a quote
Body paragraphs
Support your thesisMake sure each paragraph has a topic sentence.  In other words, make sure that each paragraph is focused on one topic.
Give examples
Quotes and paraphrases
Use transition words such as however, in addition, and furthermore.
Restate your thesis or central idea in different words
Attention getter (hook)
End with a quote
Make a provocative statement
Ask a question
Tell a story