

Objective: Examine leadership skills and behaviors for successful entrepreneurial and managerial effectiveness.

Introduction: One of the essential roles of a leader is to support followers. Leaders are supposed to be the visionaries of the business who are in their roles to motivate and empower employees. As a new entrepreneur, you are the role model for your followers; hence the phrase leading by example. Your individual values and personal traits will set the tone for your organizational culture. The topic included in this essay examines Leadership in Small Business.


The essay for this lesson is required to be a minimum of 1250 words (excluding title and reference pages) which clearly demonstrate your understanding of the activity. Essays should have a clear introduction, thesis statement, and conclusion, written in APA format (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/). 

Activity Details:

Step 1: Conduct an internet search on the Fielder Contingency Model of Leadership, Hersey and Blanchard situational theory, and the Robert House’s path-goal model. Read the following questions, and use what you have learned about the leadership Skills to summarize your responses in a minimum of 1250 words, excluding title and reference pages (APA formatting required):

Describe the three major contingency theories of leadership: Fielders model, Hersey and Blanchards situational leadership theory, and Robert Houses path-goal model.

According to Fielders model, how can you improve leader effectiveness?

What are the differences between Fiedlers model of contingency leadership and Robert Houses path-goal model?

According to Robert Houses path-goal theory, in what situations is directive leadership likely to lead to higher employee satisfaction and in what situations will supportive leadership likely lead to greater satisfaction?