Research Proposal on how race, education, socioeconomic status and spirituality plays a role in divorce amongst blacks, whites and hispanic

This is a Qualitative Research Proposal. The topic: How does race, education, socioeconomic status, and spirituality play a role in divorce amongst blacks, whites, and Hispanics.

One of the main goals I would like to emphasize is how does this project contribute to the literature.

Attached is the Research Proposal Instructions (100pts) There it will state the specific details of how the assignment should be completed (see attachment labeled Research Proposal Instructions).

Attached is my group’s Identify a Research Problem. There it will state the purpose of our study, the audience we are trying to capture and the questions we need to find the solution to. (see attachment Identify a Research Problem).

Attached is the Annotated Bibliography of articles that pertain to our topic. If you have better articles please feel free to use those instead. (see attachment Annotated Bibliography).

Attached is also a rough draft one of my team members completed if it does not make sense please feel free to add or change anything you would like (see Rough Draft for Introduction).

Also, Our instructor would like us to incorporate a qualitative purpose statement. I have attached an example found in the slides. HSM-508 Creswell.

I have attached additional articles and anything else that may help this project.

Please let me know if there is anything you need me to clarify. Please provide the references you have used at the end of the study.