In this assignment, you will conduct an Article Review of the professional journal articles assigned in this module.

You will compose a written review that includes:

a brief summary of the articles read
list of important information learned from the articles
questions you have about the articles
how you  will apply information from the articles to your future work as a BCBA.
Complete the readings assigned in the Canvas course module overview.
Complete the Article Review Assignment Worksheet (Links to an external site.).
Submit one document with an Article Review Worksheet for each Article read to the respective assignment submission link in Canvas.

Article Review Rubric
Worksheet completed:
*Summary of the purpose of the article read (if research study, study details including IV, DV, design, participants, and results) – 5 points
*Important information learned, including definitions of concepts – 5 points
*2-3 questions about the concepts in the article(s) – 3 points
*Application of the concepts from the article(s) to future work as a BCBA – 4 points