Classroom Management

Unit 3: Understanding Classroom Management Models II(Chapters 7 – 10)Introduction: This unit is designed to study the work of Curwin and Mendler, Fredric Jones, Coloroso, and Freiberg. As you read and explore each, reflect and make connections to your teaching practice. Chapters 7 – 10 should be read as reference to the study. The podcast and/or podcast script for Chapters 7/8 and 9/10 should also be reviewed. Point values for each item are stated beside the item. Excessive grammar, punctuation, spelling, and composition errors will result in a reduction of points for this assignment. Failure to submit the assignment by the due date may result in a point reduction equivalent to a letter grade reduction. THE DUE DATE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT MAY BE FOUND ON THE COURSE CALENDAR IN SECTION VI OF THE SYLLABUS. THE ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE SUBMITTED AS ONE DOCUMENT VIA THE ASSIGNMENTS LINK.Format:You must submit this as 1 Word document via the appropriate assignment function. You must use Microsoft Word, font TNR, size 12, single spacedInclude your name, assignment title, and courseUse headings (example- Section I: Vocabulary) so that sections are clearly answered.Be thorough in your responses to each section.I. Vocabulary Directions: In your own words, fully define each term/concept and provide an example from the real world of education, preferably your school setting. In responding, type the term/concept and the definition and example. (2 points each, for a total of 20 points) 1.  Teaching responsibility versus teaching obedience (Curwin and Mendler) 2.  Social contracts (Curwin and Mendler) 3.  Classroom structures (Jones) 4.  Preferred activity time (Jones) 5.  Backup systems (Jones) 6.  Colorosos Golden Rule 7.  Natural and reasonable consequences (Coloroso) 8.  Three Rs of Discipline (Coloroso) 9.  Consistency management (Freiberg) 10. Cooperative discipline (Freiberg) II. Questions and Assignments (5 points each, for a total of 35 points) 1.  Review the information in the Vocabulary section above. Then compare and contrast the theories: a.  Discipline with Dignity and Positive Classroom Management b.  Discipline with Dignity and Inner Discipline c.  Discipline with Dignity and CMCD d.  Positive Classroom Management and Inner Discipline e.  Positive Classroom Management and CMCD
f.    Inner Discipline and CMCD 2.  Curwin and Mendler believe that teachers should stop doing ineffective things.
a.  Describe one effective thing you are doing. b.  Then describe a more effective approach. c.  Use the Discipline with Dignity model to provide a rationale for using the more effective approach. 3.  How have or could you use preferred activity time (PAT) as an effective classroom management technique? Use Jones model to explain why your PAT example would be effective in responsibility training. 4.  Compare and contrast Colorosos three categories of teachers. 5.  The CMCD model was developed for inner-city schools. Could it be effective in an elementary classroom or school in a rural area or small town? Explain your response. 6.  Explain the role of 1-minute student managers in Freibergs model. How might such a student manager be useful in your classroom? 7.  After studying the four classroom management models in this unit. Which one most appeals to you? Explain your response. III. Case Study (20 points) Read the following case study and respond to the prompt. Dr. Don Davis, assistant principal at Sandy Point Intermediate School, is concerned with the classroom management style of Mrs. Helen Stephens, a veteran teacher. Mrs. Stephens considers herself a master of words, knowing just the right thing to say and just the right time to say it. Her comments to students are often tinged with sarcasm (John, you are improving. Youre up to 55. Who knows, someday you may even pass a test.). Supportive praise is saved for a few favored students, most of whom come from upper-middle class homes. Dr. Davis knows of many disturbing comments, having witnessed several during his classroom observations. He has also received several parent and student complaints. Dr. Davis, with the support of the school principal, has asked for a conference with Mrs. Stephens to discuss the situation. The conference began as follows: Dr. Davis: Mrs. Stephens, I asked to meet with you today because I am concerned about the disturbing comments you are making to some students. Several parents have contacted me when their children have come home upset about your comments to them or to other students. I have been aware of these comments since I became the assistant principal last year. The complaints are increasing and this situation must be addressed. The use of sarcasm is inappropriate, as is supportive praise being limited to only a few favored members of the class. I believe that you are committed to being an effective teacher and think I can make some suggestions that will improve your effectiveness.
Mrs. Stephens: Dr. Davis, you are young and relatively inexperienced in dealing with intermediate grade children. Your comments are offensive. I am an excellent classroom manager. I send very few students to the office, which makes your job easier. Rather than criticizing me, you should wish that you had more like me. I am a firm disciplinarian. I correct and punish those who misbehave, and reward the few who act appropriately. Dr. Davis: Mrs. Stephens, I would like to discuss a classroom management model that has met with great success in schools with demographics similar to ours. The superintendent has asked the principal and me to introduce the model to the faculty next month. This model assists teachers and administrators in developing a caring environment in which all students are accepted and supported. I am hoping that you, as the chair of your grade level, will take a lead in learning about this model. It could improve the level of effectiveness in our school. Mrs. Stephens: Dr. Davis, I dont think that I need to change my classroom management style, but am willing to learn about the model. It could be of help to other, less experienced teachers. Dr. Davis: Thank you for your cooperation. The model is called ________________ and focuses on these concepts: Prompt: Play the role of Dr. Davis. Choose either Curwin and Mendlers Discipline with Dignity model or Jones Positive Classroom Management model. Complete Dr. Davis the dialogue with Mrs. Stephens. In Dr. Davis dialogue, you must address the following: Briefly describe the models key concepts. Provide an in-depth discussion of at least two practical applications of the model. Include a discussion of the teachers role and responsibilities when you discuss the practical applications. Explain how this model would be more effective with intermediate school students than the negative style currently used by Mrs. Stephens. (This case study was adapted from How Would You React 9-5 found on page 159 of the text. IV. Scholarly Reading Directions: Read the Sternberg (2008) article found in the Unit folder on the Blackboard home page and complete the following items. (15 points) 1. Provide a reference for the article in APA style (6th Edition). The following information, which is needed for the reference, is not found in the article: volume number 66, issue number 2. The rest of the information needed for the APA reference is found in the article. 2. In a well-developed paragraph, summarize the authors points that are interesting and useful to you. 3. In a separate well-developed paragraph, explain the insight you gained from the reading and how this insight may inform to your educational practice.