The correlation between the rise in cesarean deliveries and the maternal mortality rate

Paper has 4 Parts (Total of 10 pages, plus cover and reference page, APA format)

Part 1: (4 pages in length)
Introducing the research topic, formulating a research problem, defining the quantitative research methodology, research design, completing a literature review using 4 peer-reviewed resources, presenting the research purpose, and developing a hypothesis for a quantitative study addressing a clinical problem.
Please use the headings below for your paper (center and bold):
-Research Topic
-Research Problem
-Research Purpose
-Research Design (A design that you decide to use for example, quasi-experimental, experimental, And Descriptive. See textbook for more designs. 
-Literature Review (using 4 peer-reviewed resources)

Part 2: (2 pages in length)
In Part 2 of the research paper, you will continue to write about these following linear sequence steps of the quantitative research proposal paper on: 
The population and the setting for the quantitative study.
The importance of selecting a representative sample when conducting research studies.
Please use the headings below for your paper (center and bold):
-Population and Setting

Part 3: (2 pages in length)
In Part 3 of the research paper, you will continue to write about these following linear sequence steps of the quantitative research proposal paper on: 
The plan for data collection for the quantitative study
The statistical analysis plan that will be used to analyze the data
Please use the headings below for your paper (center and bold):
-Data Collection
-Analysis Plan

Part 4: ( 2 pages in length)
In Part 4 of the research paper, the final phase of the quantitative research paper, students will finalize the paper by writing: 
How the quantitative research findings will be significant to enhance nursing practice, and nursing  research
The plan to communicate your research findings at your place of employment.
Please use the headings below for your paper (center and bold):
-Significance to Nursing Practice, and  Nursing Research
-Dissemination of Information