DB 7

Read these instructions carefully.
Your thread must be at least 200275 words. This range is a minimum requirement, and NOT a maximum limit. You may write as much as you need to make your strongest arguments. Although more is not necessarily better, it is reasonable that the best discussions are the ones that show the best evidence in support of the assertions.

Your thread must reflect critical thought. There are two philosophical reference points that form the basis for our government, and by extension, our governments role in securing our borders.  These are (1) the Holy Bible, and (2) principles of self-governance as expressed in our Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.  These principles were frequently articulated by our Founders and are provided for you in the document entitled American Founding Principles.  For every discussion topic, try to relate the course content to real-world applications with biblical perspectives and link back to at least one Founding principle. Also, a minimum of 1 source is referenced appropriately; cite any sources used.  More is better.

How do federal agencies communicate homeland security information to local and state government, the private sector, and the citizenry of the United States? What problems exist? How can communication and information sharing be improved? Consider all sources and methods of information sharing and any changes since the publishing of the textbook. Specifically, answer these questions:

1) What is the biggest potential for failure when people (and the government) rely on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) for information in an emergency? Are there (have there been) instances where social media has created a bigger problem than would have existed otherwise? (cite examples)

2)  What are the contributions and capabilities of Ham (amateur) radio in Emergency communications? Why is Ham radio often effective in emergencies when government communications systems fail? Can you identify a principle that seems to be proven by the effectiveness of this citizen-performed vital service?