The purpose of reaction papers (a.k.a. a position papers) is not merely to summarize the readings or the contents of lectures, but rather to make an analytical argument pertaining to each units material. In a concise (possibly creative) way, reaction papers should draw on the key points in the readings and lectures, and they should establish connections with issues, debates, and theoretical approaches. Think of reaction papers as short essays based on each units material. Before you start writing your reaction papers, ask yourself the following questions: What was the unit about? What were the main themes and approaches? Who were the key theorist? How are the main themes and key theorist related and how are they different? If you had to summarize what the unit was about to a friend, what would you say? (or what and who did you think the most important themes, theories, and theorists were?). Once you have figured out what units were about, develop an analytical argument based on each units content. What argument do you think best applies to the material we have studied? Reaction papers are independent assignments. If you choose to work with others, be very careful to avoid making the same arguments. Plagiarism and academic dishonesty charges will only create problems for you. It could help to organize your reaction papers in three sections: introduction, content, and conclusion. The introduction is very important. This is where you will hook the reader and present your thesis or argument. Your argument should be analytical, concise, and clear. Your introduction should be one paragraph (two at most). The rest of each reaction paper will remain focused on your argument. Never lose sight of your argument/thesis. The second part of the papers will present evidence to support your arguments. Evidence will only come from course readings and lectures. Do not cite lectures. We will assume that lecture material is universal knowledge. You will need to cite direct quotes from the text. The third part of your paper will be the conclusions. Conclusions should be brief, no more than a paragraph or two. Papers should not exceed five double-spaced pages (one-inch margin). Include a title page and, ideally, a creative title (title pages do not count as one of the five pages).