Personal Reaction Paper

You will submit a single page that interacts with the reading material for that week in some way. The page might raise a significant question or express either agreement or disagreement about something that appeared in the reading. You might think of these pages as a personal journal entry that you record as you engage the reading material. The purpose of these pages is to provide evidence that you have engaged the reading material for the week. Consequently, your pages must specifically allude to something particular in the reading materialand make reference to a particular page number. You must limit your submissions to a single sheet of paper (double-spacing is preferred but use single-spacing if necessary to keep the submission to a single sheet). Submissions must reflect your own personal, original work. Submissions MUST BE PREPARED WITH TECHNICAL CARE.  By technical care, I mean to suggest that the document you submit should be copy ready if it were to be submitted to a newspaper or to an employer as a sample of your writing. Your document should NOT contain spelling errors, grammatical errors or problems with sentence structure.
!!!!!!!!!!!! Your task is to read CHAPTER 4 in the book and write the personal reaction paper. The file uploaded is the book, and also one sample essay that I wrote before. Please follow my sample essay to write!