Journal article review

Journal article review

This assignment aims to develop your interests in communication research. You will be guided by the steps outlined below to write a 1-page (single-spaced, 12-font size, standard 1-inch border) summary and critique of a journal article.

Article #1:
User-generated content on the internet: an examination of gratifications, civic engagement, and psychological empowerment
Louis Leung
Vol 11, Issue 8, 2009, Pages 1327-1347
New Media & Society

Read the article and write the review

1.    Give full bibliographic citation by converting above to APA style/format
Author(s), (Year), Title, Journal, Volume, Issue, and Page range
e.g.,    Leung, L. (2015). Using a tablet in solitude for stress reduction: An examination of desire for aloneness, leisure boredom, tablet activities, and location of use. Computers in Human Behavior, 48, 382-391.

2.    Conceptualization (answer/critique the following questions):
a.    What is the study about and its purposes?
b.    Is the paper needed (does it fill a gap)? Explain.
c.    What were the theories adopted and constructs being studied?
d.    What were the hypotheses tested or research questions asked?
e.    Was the study an exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory research?
f.    What are the main findings, conclusions?

3.    Operationalization (answer/critique the following questions):
a.    What research design (i.e., cross-sectional or longitudinal) and data collection method(s) (e.g., survey, experiment, content analysis) were used in the study?
b.    How was the sample drawn? What was the unit(s) of analysis?
c.    Which were the independent and dependent variables?
d.    What were the operational definitions of the constructs? And how were they measured (adopted/developed)?
e.    What was the level of measurement used for each variable?
f.    What statistical technique was used?

4.    Critique the presentation: What is not clear? Do any parts require further explanation or clarification?