Information System

ABC is a local company that is planning a new Internet project for renting and playing games online. Their planned solution comprises both a new web portal and a new database for keeping records of games, game rentals, and customers, a new CRM system and specialized software for connecting the new system to their existing information system.

task is to:

a)    Perform a detailed critical security analysis for the new project. Consider examples of risks for the new web site, the new database, the new CRM, the link to the existing information systems and the products (the games).
b)    Propose solutions to mitigate the security holes found in the analysis.
You are required to use the concepts covered in the class to perform your task.

Following criteria shall be followed:

1. Student comprehensively performed a security analysis for the given company
2.Student  correctly suggested the right security solutions to  mitigate the risks encountered in the analysis
3.Student presented a concise document with superior flow of sequence and no spelling and  no grammatical errors

The report should include the following sections:
a)    Introduction
b)    Detailed critical security analysis for the new project
c)    Security solutions to mitigate the problems found in the analysis
d)    Conclusion
e)    References

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