Resourcing Talent

Your task

The assessment can either be based on the Netporter case study provided on Moodle or you can use your own organisation. 

Task 1 HR Planning & Factors Affecting Resourcing and Talent Policy
(AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3).                                    (400 words)

1.    Explain at least three organisational benefits of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce.
2.    Describe what HR Planning is (also known as Talent Planning), its benefits and how you think it might assist your company/case study company in future. 
3.    You should also summarise the internal and external factors (at least two of each) that might affect an organisations talent planning and recruitment and selection policy, including consideration of internal factors such as business objectives, culture, and structure and external factors including legislation, ethics, and the economy.

Task 2 Job Analysis (AC 3.1)                    (no restriction on word count)

As a result of the growth plans for, you need to recruit a new Warehouse Manager. You have an established job description for this role (see appendix ii) which you can use for the skills assessment. However, before you do so:

1.    Firstly, you need to review and revise the existing Job description for the Warehouse Manager role so that it is more structured, detailed and reflective of best practice. Secondly you need to compile a person specification document for the role where you identify the essential and desirable criteria needed.

Task 3 Recruitment and Selection Methods (AC 2.1, 2.2)        (500 words)

1.    List and explain two significant benefits and two possible disadvantages from using social media/networking as a form of recruitment method for organisations. 
2.    Describe two further recruitment methods that could be used to attract candidates to your vacancy, and when it is appropriate to use them;
3.    List and describe three different selection methods companies can utilise to select the right candidate for the job.  Discuss when it is appropriate to use these selection methods.

Task 4 Advertising & Short-listing (AC 3.2, 3.3)        (200 words advert only)

You have elected to continue with advertising in the local press and on the companys website for recruitment purposes with a panel interview for short-listed candidates.

1.    Draft an advert for the role of Warehouse Manager to appear on both the companys website and in local newspapers. In so doing, you should take account of the role requirements, the need to attract candidates in the market, any legal requirements and the general effectiveness of the layout of the advert including any call to action on the part of candidates. The deadline for submission of applications and CVs should be two weeks from the date of the advert.

2.    Using the CV short-listing criteria form issued in class and on Moodle (appendix iii), develop essential and desirable criteria for your vacancy and shortlist candidates from three applicant CVs you have been given in the workshop.
(As evidence of this task you will need to submit the completed shortlisting matrix, which demonstrates, criteria, scoring and importantly justifications.) You can either scan a handwritten copy or you can use the soft copy found on Moodle and type the content into the document.

Task 5 – Skills Assessment – Selection Interviewing (AC 3.4) In class assessment

You are required to plan for and carry out a panel selection interview for the role of Warehouse Manager for as a small group.

You will need to design an interview form, which can be used to document information about your candidate, your questions, the responses and any special requirements that have been made for the candidate, (this will form part of your evidence which will need to be uploaded with this assignment).

You should note the following: –

    The interviews will be carried out on the day specified in your Study Calendar;
    The course tutor will put you into groups of two or three on the day before. It is at your discretion if you use extra time before the skills assessment (such as in breaks  or before and after a workshop) to prepare for the interview as a group;
    You will receive one hour for preparation formally during the workshop to prepare as a group;
    In your preparation, you should consider the criteria on the Skills Observation Checklist (SOC) (Appendix i) as well as core issues around interview structure and question type and technique. The group should also consider what documentation will be used to plan for the interview and to assess the candidate. These elements will have been covered in the workshops by the tutor before the skills assessment;
    The tutor will start observing you as a group during the formal preparation hour. It is imperative that each member of the group contributes evenly to preparation (e.g. Preparing questions, adopting agreed roles, agreeing the final interview structure) and in the interview, itself (such as each member questioning the candidate in selected areas). The first assessment criteria on the skills observation checklist relates to how well as a group you plan the interview);
    Whilst you will be observed and given feedback as a group overall, you will be assessed based on your individual contribution and receive individual feedback as well as group feedback from the tutor at the end of the interviews. The tutor will also allocate fellow delegates to help with peer observation and feedback (however, it is only the tutor who will mark you);
    The candidate for each interview will be played by a fellow delegate not interviewing at the time (the tutor will arrange this with you);
    You should allocate roles amongst yourself as a panel for example if using the case study, Regional Operations Manager, HR Manager, existing Warehouse Manager, etc.
    You will have five minutes at the end of the interview to continue in character to discuss the candidate you have interviewed and make a decision as to whether you would offer them the job/take them to a next stage of selection (should you decide one exists);
    The tutor will not be able to give you an immediate mark at the end of the interviews.

Task 6 Making the Offer & Induction (AC 3.5, 4.1, 4.2)
(see word count instructions below)

You have made a decision on the candidate you would like to offer to (it doesnt have to be the candidate you interviewed for the skills assessment);

1.    Summarise briefly what records from the recruitment and selection process need to be retained and stored with an explanation of the legal requirements (100 words)
2.    Draft an offer letter for the successful candidate including what you think are the essential elements of the offer and requesting appropriate information required from the successful candidate for legal reasons (200 words)
3.    Draft a rejection letter for non-successful candidates (100 words)
You now need to plan for the induction of the new Warehouse Manager before they start.  Therefore, write a (500 word) summary covering:
4.    The purpose, importance and benefits of induction for an individual and the organisation
5.    What the induction for Warehouse Manager should cover, who should be involved and the relevant timescales for the induction process (this should be in the form of a plan or schedule which should cover a 12-week period)

I will upload the interview part for task 5.