Criminal Reintegration: Societal Labeling & Shaming

Graduate Level Writing Required. 

DUE: Monday, February 20, 2020 by 5pm Eastern Standard Time. 

Write a 800- to 1,050-word paper examining the relationship between restorative justice programs and crime reduction. 

In your opinion, is it better to assist the justice-involved reintegrate into society towards becoming productive members or stigmatize them as “criminals” who cannot be changed or be rehabilitated? 

Address the following:

-A brief summary of the restorative justice approach to include the relationship between the labeling theory and re-intergrative shaming.

-An overview of the restoration process and the desired outcomes of this strategy.

Compare and contrast ways restorative justice is used in the criminal justice system, schools and in the community.

-An explanation for why restorative justice programs should be used or not with specific examples which support your findings.

-Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

-Provide at least 4 Academic / Scholarly references.

-100% Original Work.

-Must Be Graduate Level Writing.