sense of peer acceptance

This assignment is an application of the concepts learned in Ch. 1 to your own life along
with practicing Ch. 2 concepts in the analysis of a peer-reviewed academic article. Make
sure you understand the vocabulary terms from these PowerPoints and ask if you have
questions. Do not copy and paste the information put everything into your own words.
After reading the assigned article Sense of Peer Acceptance, answer the below questions:
1.) What Topic did the researchers select to study? Why did they think this was an important
topic to study? (When I was a freshman, I really struggled with feelings of not belonging etc.
my thoughts/concerns created a lot of stress for me!)
2.) In the Literature Review of the article, what were some of the most important ideas? Do you
feel that these concepts are relevant to your own life (why or why not)?
3.) Using your Sociological Imagination, consider how society has influenced how you think
about and communicate with other people. Do you ever make any moralistic judgements or
assumptions about others? Where did you get these ideas from (family, friends, media, school,
religion, etc.)? Has anyone else ever made a moralistic judgement or assumption about you?
How did you feel about those experiences (were you happy, sad, scared, angry, etc.)?
4.) Personal Sociology is the process of recognizing the impact our individual position has on
who we are and how we think and act. What is your place in the social world (include: race,
ethnicity, religion, social class, physical ability, appearance, etc.)? Do you have any privileges
that you take for granted? Does your place in the social world impact your viewpoint or beliefs
about others (why or why not)?
5.) In the Functionalist theoretical perspective (macro orientation), society is viewed as an
ordered system of interrelated social institutions that each meets the needs of society by
performing specific functions for the whole system (society). What have been positive influences
on you by your family, cultural beliefs/expectations, religion, education, friends, and different
media sources? What do you think works well? What are some of the biggest lessons/best advice
you have learned?
6.) In the Conflict theory perspective (macro orientation), social institutions are criticized and
the focus is on what isnt working well or is problematic, particularly in regard to inequality
(ageism, sexism, racism, nativism, classism, ableism, etc.). What do you think could be done
better or improved in your family, cultural beliefs/expectations, religion, education, friends, and
different media sources? What do you think could work better? What are some of the biggest
challenges that you have faced?
7.) In the Symbolic interactionist perspective (micro orientation), the reality is viewed as a social
construct that we create through our interpretation of symbols, such as language, which is created
through and influenced by our social interactions with others. What messages have you been
given about college? Where did you get your ideas from? Do you feel that you fit in and are
there any groups that you think would not fit in? Why or why not? Have any of your ideas about
college changed over time?
Article Analysis Assignment (100 pts) Name: ________________________________
[*Social institutions include the Family, Government, Politics, Legal System, Economy,
Demography, Health Care, Environment, Religion, Nonprofit Organizations, and Education.]
8.) What high-impact practices were identified as having especially positive impacts on student
belonging, identity, and learning?
9.) How many different sources did the researchers use for their article (count the # of sources in
the references section)? _______
10.) In the literature review of the article, what were some important concepts from Strayhorn?
11.) What Theory did the authors select for their study?
12.) What were the authors Research Questions (what they were trying to find out about in
their study)?
13.) What Research Design was used – qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods (explain your
answer, how did you determine this)?
14.) What specific Research Methodology did the authors use to gather data to test the theory
(make sure you distinguish between data found by other researchers in the Literature Review and
original research conducted by the authors)?
15.) What Ethical considerations did the researchers follow?
16.) How did they select their Sample? Where did they get their sample from? How many
research participants were in their sample?
17.) Who were the Research Participants?
18.) What type of Sampling Method did they use (convenience or random sample)? How does
the type of sample used influence the analysis of the data collected?
19.) What methodological limitations did the authors identify about their study to aid policymakers, educators, and other researchers in the analysis of their results?
20.) What recommendations did the authors make about future research?