This SIA assignment requires you apply a concept or theory we have learned to a subject that is current in the real world. The assigned topic for Application Assignment 2 is:  Southwest Airlines (SWA)

In Chapter 7, we examine and explore a variety of business unit strategies.  Included in these discussions are low-cost, differentiation, and low-cost/differentiation.    

Your assignment (read carefully): Conduct additional research on low-cost, differentiation, and low-cost/differentiation (there is a TON out there on these subjects) to find at least 5 quality sources.  Using our textbook and your own research write at least two pages of analysis and discussion of the low-cost/differentiation (it is a combination of these two) strategy utilized by SWA ~ you can identify the good/bad/successes/blunders in this section.  Next, based on your findings, prepare a one-page recommendation for the board of directors of SWA that includes the discussion and high level implementation plan for at least 3 new initiatives SWA can pursue while maintaining their current strategy of low cost/differentiation.  Put these together in one document for a MINIMUM  three pages of content (not including reference and title pages).  Please follow APA format guidelines.