poem My papa’s waltz


Essay 0 Instructions

Read the directions very carefully. In an essay of at least 400 words, respond to the following prompt:
Some readers interpret “My Papa’s Waltz” as the speaker’s memory of a drunken dance with his father; others view it as a memory of physical abuse. In your essay, explain how this poem should be understood. Provide specific words and lines to support and illustrate your argument.

Write an essay of at least 400 words in response to the above prompt. This includes the first word of the essay to the last word of the essay; the essay title, heading, and Works Cited page are not included in the word count.

Follow the MLA Format instructions from Module 0. An example essay can be found on page 161 of The Tiger Guide to Writing.  This will give you an idea of what is expected regarding the format that should be followed when organizing your essay.

Use in-text, parenthetical citations in MLA format each time you paraphrase, summarize, or quote directly from a source.
Include a corresponding MLA-formatted Works Cited page.

Use third-person academic voice for all essays in this course.
Do NOT use first person (I, me, my) or second person (you, your).

Use the literary present tense (say “the narrator writes in her journal” not “the narrator wrote in her journal”).

Save and submit your work as either Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or a Rich Text Document (.rtf).

The Originality Report generated by Turn It In must not exceed 25%. Submit work early to review the report and contact your instructor with questions.

Essays that do not meet the requirements of the assignment will not receive a passing grade.