Any topic (writer’s choice)

What is the thesis of Hayes’ argument in Twilight of the Elites, as explained in Chapter 1?  Remember that we are treating Hayes’ first chapter as if it were the introductory paragraph of an academic essay, so once we have read the chapter, we should know what his thesis, his argument, will be that he is trying to prove in the course of his book-length argument.

Your Task:
Describe one element of Hayes’ writing in Chapter 1 that you think is a strong example of either logos, ethos, pathos, not all three, and explain why you think it is a strong example.  Be sure to add a third level of significance to your thesis: what can we learn from your rhetorical analysis about how we can better use the rhetorical triangle to structure our own arguments?
The Details:
”    Essay should be approximately 750-1000 words (maximum).
”    Essay has introductory paragraph with a hook, roadmap, and thesis.
”    Essay should contain 3-4 MLA formatted in-text citations (quotes) from Chapter 1 of Twilight of the Elites.
”    Includes an MLA works cited at the end of the essay
”    Body paragraphs use TEA structure (topic sentence, evidence, analysis).
”    Quotes follow quote sandwich structure.
”    Essay must be submitted as an MS Word document.


90-100%. This essay shows strong understanding of the Unit topic and learning outcomes. The essay clearly demonstrates an excellent sense of the structure and argument of an academic essay. Essay is 750-1000 words and shows a clear understanding both of Hayes’ thesis (as described in Chapter 1) and of the rhetorical triangle.  Essay has introductory paragraph (with hook, roadmap, and three stage thesis), body paragraphs (using TEA), and a conclusion.  Essay shows ability to apply rhetorical triangle to analysis and evaluation of Hayes’ argument. MLA formatted in-text citations and MLA works cited are clear and accurate (must be 3-4 quotes).