Worldwide Religion

Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double spaced, 1 in margins
Summarize and support your position and perspective (worldview) on religion. This is an argumentative paper.
Provide a concise description of your position on the role of each and their interactions. Include a brief historical narrative on how/where you developed your current view.
Support your position by using logical arguments and examples. Be sure to break down your
argument into defensible pieces. This section will include multiple citations.
make sure to provide a HOOK and a THESIS for this paper
ALSO- please use the classical argumentative essay style approach meaning

———————————————————————————————————————An introduction with a thesis statement.

Example: Except for in extreme circumstances, Child Protective Services should seek to maintain children in their biological homes.

Background on the subject.

Main arguments –

Refutation – The opposing side should be briefly presented and refuted as not valid.

Conclusion – The conclusion may present a summary of the main arguments or suggest solutions or studies that should be conducted in the future.

(NOTE: I am a seventh day Adventist so you should talk a lot about Seventh Day Adventism as well as the lack of religion (atheism) or all the different Christianities as well as Buddhism really any religion and how they intertwine and play a role in the worl