response 3


Recent literature suggests that the Affordable Care Act will place an unnecessary burden on private health care. The ideas of this burden are due to the increased bureaucracy, penalties for non-compliance, access to insurance (despite the idea that this is a main tenant of the initiative), employer mandates, and continuous contention with local, state, and federal regulators managing the program. Understanding this, it would be conceivably difficult for certain segments of the private health care to sustain business operations. The amount of support needed to sustain compliant operations would become laden with red tapes and the resources needed to bring untenable overhead into the business plan.

Rauch (2015) states that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will provide strain on the small business practitioners of private health care in that it will force small practices into large health systems with the overhead to support the additional mandates that the ACA brings. Additionally, issues have been noted through the failing website, the deficient number of young and healthy enrolled, and the perverse consequences of the employer mandate.

In summary, the ACA will conceivably bring many changes to the United States health care system. Some of the unintended consequences are going to be small business operators assimilating into major corporate systems in order to maintain compliance with reimbursement regulations. Furthermore, with local leader contention, technology glitching, improper marketing, there will need to be significant alignment in all elements of the system in order for the concept the ACA to play a productive part of the American health care system moving forward.


Brady, J. (2016). The Affordable Care Act: Creating Headaches Instead of Healing Them. University of Louisville Law Review, 53(3), 627650. Retrieved from

RAUCH, J. (2015). Recent Health Care Reforms Tragic Consequences for Private Practice Physicians. Capital University Law Review, 43(4), 933961. Retrieved from