Womens rights

This is a part of white paper assignment. What I want you to do is writing one-page mock executive summary.
This white paper should address U.S. policy toward Iran. It must present and discuss the merits of three or four potential policy options, and then take a firm stance about which of these options should be pursued.
I am going to research  human rights violations against women and hopefully this subject is a specific enough topic to be able to expand on with multiple policy proposals.
*Do not fall victim to misinformation. The United States situation with Iran is a very contentious issue in politics and media. Do not parrot opinion-based talking points you find online and in op-ed or opinion columns. Your analysis must rely on ideas derived from class and use solid evidence.
The executive summary presents the key points of your entire white paper. A reader should be able to grasp what your white paper covers and what your ultimate policy proposal is by simply reading this executive summary. It can be surprisingly difficult to write an effective executive summaryespecially when the underlying white paper covers so much ground. We recommend that the executive summary be the last thing you revise and finalize during this undertaking.
*I attach the grade rubric. No more than one page! I also attach a few scholarly link on the topic.

The ConservativeReformist Conflict Over Women’s Rights in Iran

The semiotics of women’s human rights in Iran

Women’s rights and feminist movements in Iran

Women’s Human Rights in Iran: What Can the International Human Rights System Do

The women’s movement in Iran: A hopeful prognosis

Women in the resistance movement in Iran