Psychology reflection paper

Identify at least 3 important concepts or theories (i.e., you can select at least three bullet points to discuss from the list provided below) that you relate to. These should be concepts/theories that we covered in this course.

Explain why and give an example from your life that reflects each concept/theory. Make sure you clearly show that you have a good understanding of the theory or concept that you’re referring to and that you explicitly give an example from your life that shows this concept in action. (Briefly explain the theory, and show that you understand the theory and how to apply it to your life experience (i.e., something you’ve gone through personally not something you observed in others). You must write your paper in a manner such that someone who has not taken this course would be able to understand what you are talking about.)

Here are some ideas of things you can write about to help get your brain juices flowing. You don’t have to choose from the list below. These are not required. They are to just help you come up with things to focus on and discuss in your paper.

What parenting style(s) were you raised with? Explain how this style(s) is reflected in your experience and give an example that shows this.
How did your care giver(s) reflect the four dimensions that parents differ on (warmth, discipline, etc.)? Give examples.
What type(s) of play (e.g., solitary, onlooker, etc.) do you remember engaging in when you were younger? What have you seen the children in your life engage in? Explain and give an example that shows each type of play that you relate to.
What types of aggression or abuse have you seen occur with children? Explain & give an example that shows the type(s) of aggression &/or abuse you’re referring to.
Discuss how you experienced intrinsic & extrinsic motivation as a child and the impact each had on you then and in the long-run.
Discuss your experiences as a child with externalizing & internalizing problems. Give examples.
What are your thoughts on various forms of intelligence? What do you most relate to or feel you possess or reflect? Provide examples that support your perspective.
Discuss Emotional Intelligence, your perspective on it and your experience with your skills & abilities as they relate to Emotional Intelligence. Give specific examples to support your point.
How do you relate to Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Reasoning? Give examples from your life that reflect his theory.
How did you experience Guided Participation (Vygotsky) while you were growing up? Explain & provide an example.
How have you experience Social Referencing? Explain & provide an example.
Other concepts you can discuss are: centration, animism, private speech, etc.
What’s your experience been with the following concepts as they relate to adolescent years: adolescent egocentrism, invincibility fable, personal fable and/or imaginary audience?
What has been your experience with and/or what are your thoughts about the following concepts related to development of the self: identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, identity moratorium, identity achievement, crisis vs. commitment, false self and/or negative identity (as these relate to adolescent years)?
How did you experience gender intensification during your teen years? Explain & give examples.
Remember if there are stages or various types regarding a particular concept, you only have to focus on the one/part that you most relate to (e.g., if you look at multiple intelligence, only focus on the one(s) that you most connect with and there is no need to delve into the others).

Your paper does not have to be limited to the list of examples above. This list merely provides you with some ideas to help you get started. You are welcome to connect to your experiences any of the theories or concepts we’ve covered online or in class, including concepts from discussions and videos (that have been shown since the last test).

Assignment Format Sample -Preview the documentThis provides you with the structure that your paper should have.
Make sure to review the Grading Rubric and the Assignment Format Sample before getting started.
Your paper must be  2-3 pages long, double-spaced and typed with 1-inch margins all around.
Include only your name & title on the top of the first page of your document. Do not include a separate title page.
Use 12-point font (Times New Roman or Arial).
Do not include the questions listed above in the body of your paper.
You must use Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf) format to submit your work. Remember if your document is submitted in the wrong format and I can not open your document, this means that I cannot grade your work. Therefore, this will result in a zero in your grade book for this assignment.
Make sure to use the 5 Paragraph Essay as a place to start (though clearly your paper can have more paragraphs than this). This means your paper should be formatted as an essay. It should include an introduction that tells the reader what to expect. Paragraphs two through four should support your thesis. You should end your paper with a conclusion.