Write a short opinion piece to persuade your WR instructor to adopt your view of happiness and a way to attain it.

400 words essay

Over the last few years happiness has become a key metric for comparing countries. We are told by the 2019 World Happiness Report by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network that Singapore is the 34th happiest nation in the world, and 2nd in Asia.
Everyone would like to be happier, and your WR instructors are no exception. You have also been studying the nature of happiness and how to find it in your Big Questions: Happiness and Suffering module.


Write a short opinion piece to persuade your WR instructor to adopt your view of happiness and a way to attain it.
You should support your argument with relevant and credible evidence from sources

Make sure following grading rubrics are met in the essay-

-The thesis statement is a declarative sentence that states clearly and concisely the main point that the author is trying to make. Establishes focus that clearly directs the body of the essay.

-Persuades effectively by giving clear claims, reasons and evidence OR making very clear connections between premise and conclusion; evidence is seamlessly integrated into paper.

-Demonstrates a strong awareness of context, audience and purpose to persuade the reader (CAP).

-writing flows smoothly from one idea to another. The writer has taken pains to assist the reader in following the logic of the ideas expressed. Sentences are clear and concise. Words are effectively chosen to communicate ideas.

-Uses language that skilfully communicates meaning to readers with precision and fluency. Makes no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.

-Sources are exceptionally well integrated and they support claims argued in the paper very effectively. Sources cited conform to APA style format.