Code of Hammurabi

The Code of Hammurabi is a well-preserved Babylonian law code of ancient Mesopotamia, dating back to approximately 1770 BCE.  It is one of the oldest deciphered writings of significant length in the world.

The sixth Babylonian king, Hammurabi, conquered many city-states of Mesopotamia.  The city-states had divergent unwritten laws subject to the whim of a judge.  King Hammurabi decided that all his subjects needed a uniform, written code of laws that could apply to his whole empire.  The Code of Hammurabi consists of 282 laws.


You Think 2-3: Code of Hammurabi assignment requires you to read the laws found in The Code of Hammurabi. (Links to an external site.)  Choose three laws from The Code of Hammurabi.  Identify each code by its number, provide the exact wording of the code and translate the code into your own words.  Indicate if the code is fair or not fair and explain why or why not.  Do not use Code #143.  Use the format provided in the following example:


Code #143.  If she has not been a careful mistress, have gadded about, have neglected her house and have belittled her husband, that woman shall be thrown into the water.

If a wife is not a good wife, has gone out partying, and has made fun of her husband in front of others, then she will be thrown into the water.

I believe this code is not fair.  Even though the woman might not have been a good wife, throwing her into the water is abusive.  A better alternative would be for the husband and wife to discuss their marital problems and attempt to respectfully resolve them.

You Think 2-3: The Code of Hammurabi assignment must be approximately 200 words and submitted as a text entry.  You must provide a word count at the end of your text entry. 

The Think Response Rubric will be utilized by the instructor to grade this assignment.