Nursing Leadership and Influence paper

Attached is a sample paper
I am going to pick communication.

References should be less than 5 years old and it should include 8 peered reviewed articles.

My goal is almost the same as my classmate’s goal, so you probably rephrase them.


Nursing Leadership and Influence paper (150 points)         

This is an individually written formal paper about nursing leadership and influence.  This paper is expected to be 5-8 pages in length, excluding title page and reference list.  APA formatting is required.

Refer to Sullivans Becoming Influential.

Choose a concept presented in Sullivan (Power, Image, Communication, Politics, Networking, Setting Goals and Negotiation).
Describe the concept and why you view it as important to nursing influence. 
Review the literature on your chosen concept and note your findings.
Describe how you, as an Advanced Practice nurse, will develop and utilize this concept in your professional practice to influence health care and advocate for patients.
Include in your discussion your goals for the immediate future once you have completed your graduate degree.

Grading rubric for Nursing Leadership & Influence Paper

Nursing Leadership and Influence

Points possible

Overview of Nursing Leadership Concept chosen


Review of Literature of this concept (a minimum of 8 peer reviewed articles reviewed within 5 years of publication)


Influencing Health Care and Advocating for Patients


Future Goals as an Advanced Practice Nurse



