contrast content and process knowledge and describe them as two sides of the same coin

Read Chapter 1 of the text. 
Review the PowerPoint for the chapter. (Use the link to the PowerPoint). Preview the document
Respond to all aspects of the following prompt in your discussion thread.
The authors compare and contrast content and process knowledge and describe them as two sides of the same coin.  Do you agree with this analogy?  Why or why not?  Do the results of the How Teaching Matters report from ETS correlate with any of the elements of the Read to Be Ready Initiative?  If so, how?  Based on your experience and observations, do you think most teachers embrace the mantra “Every teacher is a teacher of reading”?  If so, what makes you think so?  If not, on what are you basing your opinion?  Do not have book, but was advised that I could just use powerpoint for information.  I have included the book title with uploaded material