Technology Project Proposal

A fundamental aspect of nursing informatics is project implementations based on technology for patient care problems. The American Nurses Association (ANA) Scope and Standards of Nursing Informatics Practice requires the Nurse Informaticist to propose, implement, and evaluate technological advances for quality patient care. The Quality and Safety Education for Nursings (QSEN) pre-licensure Informatics competencies relate to how informatics supports safe, quality patient care through the following:

Value nurses involvement in design, selection, implementation, and evaluation of information technologies to support patient care

Describe examples of how technology and information management are related to the quality and safety of patient care

Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care

For this assignment, you will develop a proposal for a new technology that is currently not being used in your area of nursing practice. Keep in mind that technology has some form of electronic component to it for this paper.

Starting with the need, identify why the need exists for the new technology. What data is collected that tells you a problem exists? How will this technology answer the problem? Provide an analysis of the current situation and potential opportunity for improving patient care. With any new technology project, there must be stakeholder identification, an identification of quality indicators, projected benefits, consideration for training, and evaluation of outcomes.

Write a 6-10 page formal APA paper that describes the new technology following the directions below. This does not include title page and references. The 6-10 range allows you to expand or contract your paper and gives you some leeway on the total number of pages.

The purpose of this assignment is to encourage a depth and breadth of understanding about new technology and the impact on patient care. This assignment allows insight into the many facets of bringing about change from inception to evaluation.

This assignment is 20 points, or 20% of your final grade.

1. The Technology Proposal Project is a formal paper so plan accordingly. Use section headers (Background of Problem, Technology, Quality, Stakeholders, Evaluation and Conclusion). Please keep in mind that the following is to be used as a guide. You still need to demonstrate original and critical thinking on the topics.
2. Provide a background on the new technology. This should include one to two pages that provides a general understanding of the problem, in a global sense, that the proposed technology could address. Include:

    a. Context for the problem. Consider the following questions when writing this      section: What is the problem for health care? How do you know it is a problem? What data is currently collected that demonstrates a problem exists? For example, you might discuss how the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid will no longer reimburse for specific processes of care or patient outcomes (falls, pressure ulcers, etc.). The data should relate back to the problem you identified with the technological solution. In a later section you will provide specific rates for your area of practice. Here, you will provide national rates or incidence, if available.

    b. You should have a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles that show that the problem exists in health care.

3. Introduce the proposed technology. This should include 1-2 pages that proposes the technology using the following to guide your writing:

    a. Provide a brief background on the technology to include what it is and what it does. This section should answer the question, why is this technology important to fix the identified problem?

    b. Provide a context for the technology. For example, perform a literature search on error rates and glucometers or check the manufacturers fact sheet for research that supports the need for the new glucometer. This allows an understanding of the broader need for changes to support the new technology.

    c. Include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references (different than the ones used for the background section) that relate to the technology or the need for the technology. For example, look for evidence that shows the technology has fixed the problem in other facilities.

4. Identify the quality impacts of the new technology. This section is the selling point for your project and should include 1-2 pages on how the technology can improve the quality and safety of patient care that is specific to your area of practice. Use the following to help guide your writing:
  a. What specific process of care or quality patient care outcomes are affected by the proposed technology? For example, your technology may be a new type of compression stocking that uses biofeedback. The quality indicator would be your specific hospitals pressure ulcer or venous thromboembolism rates.

    b. How does the technology promote patient safety? Provide a clear and insightful paragraph regarding patient safety.

5. Identify the stakeholders who must be included in any decisions regarding the proposed technology. This section should be 1 page or about 2 paragraphs. Provide a critical analysis of who should be included, the role in the organization, and a rationale for their inclusion. When writing this section, consider who is affected by your project? Who needs to be involved in the buy-in, use, purchase, upkeep, management, training, and evaluation of the technology? This may include technical support, nurses from specific areas, managers, information technology, biomed, central supply, pharmacists, physicians, nursing assistants, unit secretaries, etc. Consider the following questions while writing this section:
    a. How does the stakeholders support influence the success of the project? Who are the primary stakeholders? Why would you include them? How could you secure their buy-in for the project? How will they be included in implementing the technology?

6. Describe an evaluation plan for the technology. This section should be 1-3 pages. Include a data collection plan that details who will collect data that reflects the success or failure of the technology.

    a. Who should be responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the technology? How will the data be collected? Will there be a pre- and post-survey or data collection? Would you include a pilot program or test the change first? What information would be collected? Where should the evaluation be disseminated? The plan should be something that is feasible to put into practice.

7. Conclusion that summarizes the main points of the paper

8. Submit a 6-10 page (not counting references and title page) APA paper that addresses the above areas. Provide at least 5 references no older than 6 years. Follow the rubric for details on grading.