Field Experience D-580

For this field experience, you will assess students, provide them with feedback, and reflect on the summative assessment administration.

Part 1: Assessment
In the previous field experience, you designed and implemented a lesson that provided additional learning support to a selected group of students. In the final part of the assessment process, you will conduct a summative assessment for the same group of students.
Your summative assessment should be designed to determine mastery of identified standards. Prior to completing the assessment, review the pre-assessment to ensure appropriate concepts are measured in the final assessment. Once your summative assessment is complete, ask your mentor teacher to review it for approval.
With permission, administer the assessment to the group of students. You may provide multiple assessment methods (oral, written, technology driven, etc.), and differentiate assessment based on the needs of the students.

Part 2: Provide Feedback
Individually conference and review each students assessment results with him or her. During each conference, ask the following questions to engage the student.
How do you feel about the lesson?
What was most difficult?
What was easy?
During this time, begin with a positive strength of each student. Provide effective, descriptive feedback by identifying instructional goals for the student to continue working on. End on a positive note that shows compassion, justice, and concern.
Speak with your mentor teacher and, provided permission, use any remaining time to seek out opportunities to observe and/or assist your mentor teacher or another teacher and work with a small group of students on instruction in the classroom. Your mentor teacher must approve any hours spent observing another classroom environment.

Part 3: Reflection
Submit a 250-500 word reflection of your experience creating and administering a summative assessment, and providing effective student feedback. Why is it important to provide feedback to students? How will this help them? Did the data you collected in the pre-assessment help you prepare an applicable summative assessment?

Submit a description or copy of your assessment, along with your reflection as one deliverable.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Please create an assessment based on the last field experience you completed.  You will need to submit that assessment and the reflection.  Remember the your assessment must be aligned and using the same standards of the previous field experience C, that you are completing.  I will attach any corrections from the professor when she returns it.

Thanks again for all your help.