Answer 3 Questions after Reading The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy

–ANSWER Three questions listed below after reading article
–PAGE 23 also provides some descriptions about the assignment 1 .

In his The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy (Harvard UP, 2004), Hilary Putnam argues that facts and values are always entangled (a copy of the text may be found here: (Links to an external site.))

Please review carefully the first two chapters of the book (pp. 7-45), and address the following three questions in your essay:
(1) What is the fact/value dichotomy? (provide a definition based on Putnam’s text)
(2) Why did the dichotomy of facts and values arise in the history of philosophy? (state some history based on Putnam’s text)
(3) What reasons does Putnam offer to advance the claim that facts and values are always entangled? (extrapolate these reasons from Putnam’s discussion; offer at least two reasons)