Discussion: Issues

In this discussion, you will consider how historical lenses can affect the study of a historical topic. Select one of the secondary source articles from your research. After reading that article, write a discussion post about which of the following lenses you believe the article is using: social, political, economic, or other. Use at least two quotes from your source to justify your choice of lens. Your post title should also indicate which topic you have selected.


When responding to your peers, compare and contrast the lens they identified with the lens you identified for your source. If you identified the same lens, how does the evidence you each found to justify that choice compare with each other? If you selected different lenses, discuss how your historical topic might look through the lens they identified

For your response posts (2), you must do the following: 


  Reply to at least two different classmates outside of your own initial post thread. 

  In Module One, complete the two response posts by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. 

  In Modules Two through Eight, complete the two response posts by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone. 

  Demonstrate more depth and thought than simply stating that “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Guidance is provided for you in each discussion prompt.