Leadership Film Analysis Paper Assignment

The goal of this assignment is to analyze a contemporary movie using the various communication and leadership theories and approaches presented so far in the course. You may select any movie that is of interest to you as long as it contains a prominent leadership aspect or theme and you are able to currently access and view (or re-view) the film for this assignment. Please be specific in your written analysis of the movie as I may have not seen the movie.

Questions to consider in your analysis include, but are not limited to, the following:

What is the title of the movie?

What is the general plot and setting of the movie?

Who are the key characters in the film?

What character(s), in particular, demonstrate leadership role(s) or traits in the film?

How is leadership enacted in particular scenes?

Which character was most effective in a leadership role and why?

Did any character who displayed leadership make any mistakes in his/her leadership style/approach that contributed to a crisis or issue? If yes, how did he/she grow as the movie unfolded? In what way could he/she have done a better job of leading?

How do specific moments in the film connect with the course content?

Overall, what important leadership lessons can you take away from this film?

Important! The paper will be no less than 3 pages in length (double-spaced) but no more than 4 pages.Be sure to support your analysis with specific examples and quotes from the film and references to leadership concepts and theories from the course readings and class discussions using in-text citations (in the body of the paper) and a Reference List (i.e., bibliography, at the end of the paper) following APA style/format (6th edition).