5.6 Credibility, Dependability and Transferability

This section should be at least three paragraphs. (Only write 3 paragraphs) I attached a copy of my research paper (Please read so you will understand what my research is about) I attached a copy of an example paper (Please use as a guide to complete this section)
Please let me know it you have any questions or need additional information to complete this assignment.

You must have at least 10–15 current (within 5-7 years), scholarly,  PRIMARY resources to support your work

Address each separately:




    The first paragraph should address credibility in qualitative research.  Define it, then identify at least two ways of how it will be ensured and managed throughout the study.

    The second paragraph should address dependability.  Define it, then identify at least two ways of how it will be ensured and managed throughout the study.

    The third paragraph should address transferability.  Define it, then identify at least two ways of how it will be ensured and managed throughout the study.

(This study have not been completed yet, This study will be done)

Reviewers will be using the following criteria to evaluate this section:

Includes specific strategies appropriate for the chosen method to strengthen each criterion.

It isnt simply stated that the study results will be credible, dependable, and transferable. Exact methods are described and presented with support that are capable of enhancing the credibility, dependability, and transferability of the results.