2.4 Methodology and Basic Design Overview

This section should be a minimum of two (2) paragraphs.
    The first paragraph should introduce the overarching research methodology for the proposed study.  Describe the foundations and purpose of the methodology.
    The second paragraph should describe the specific approach or research design that will be used to answer the research question.  Describe the foundation of the specific design as well as rationale as to why it is the most appropriate approach to answering the research question guiding this study.
This section is an overview of the research methodology and design.  More detail will be required in section 4.1 of the research plan

Assignment Instructions: Only address what is asked in each paragraph. Do not add any additional information. Do Not write more than two paragraphs.  DO NOT use transition words such as: Moreover, Nevertheless, Thus, Furthermore, etc.  These sections should have between 810 current (within the last 5-7 years) scholarly, PRIMARY resources to support statements.

I attached a copy of my research paper and a copy of the instructions to this assignment.

The first paragraph should explain why a qualitative method is more appropriate than a quantitative one to study the research question,
Paragraph 1 Instructions:
Question 1: explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative research
Question2: explain why the selected methodology (generic qualitative) is appropriate for your reserach question?
Info you can use in this paragraph a. Qualitative methodology is appropriate when the research question is about participants’ experiences and perceptions. (Site)
Info you can use in this paragraph b. Quantitative methodology is appropriate when the research question is testing a hypothesized relationship between variables. (Site)
(Information about my research study)
My research will use the generic qualitative methodology
Research question: What are the transformative experiences of women reintegrating back into their community after incarceration?
My Study will use: Giordanos cognitive transformation theory suggest that women with felony histories must be open to change, and there has to be a shift in how they sees themselves; and a shift in how they views deviant behavior (Giordano, Cernkovich, & Rudolph, 2002).
Transformational is defined as in my research study: Transformation, used in psychology (and New Age thought), refers to a major change or shift in an individual’s thought and/or behavior patterns. This type of change normally requires a major change in thought patterns and values (Transformation, 2020).

Paragraph 2 Instructions:
Second paragraph should explain why the specific qualitative design that was chosen is more appropriate than other qualitative designs.

Question1:  identify a specific type of design and identify the sampling and data collection process?
a. It should focus on explaining why this specific design (e.g., correlational design or generic qualitative) is more appropriate than other design options, supported with citations.
Question2:  conclude with a sentence or two about sampling method and data collection method, which should be in alignment with the design. For example, if a learner wants to conduct a qualitative case study, there should be two qualitative data collection methods (e.g., individual interviews and observations or writings/artifacts).
(Information about my research study)
My Research Study will use: qualitative case study
Method: generic qualitative
Specific design; case study
Participants for the study: are women, who were incarcerated, are reintegrating back into the community, and they claim to have experienced transformation
The two qualitative data collection methods this study will use are:

1.    Participants will complete individual interviews  (Via zoom, due to COVID-19, the complete study will be conducted via zoom from beginning to end)
2.    Data collection methods 1: Participants will  complete journal writings (journal for 5 days after the interview About their transformational experience) They may forget information during the interview (Studies support journaling) justified the journaling
3.    Data collection methods 2: Participants will also provide artifacts during the zoom meeting (whatever they think helped them in their transformation) they will be asked to tell me about the artifact.