Decision-MakingDecision-Making: Several different models are used to bring illumination to the process of decision-making and participation in the organization. Terms like rational, logical and intuitive are used to describe it. Like the Cognitive versus Affective Models of the participation process, the terms used in this discussion imply dyadic thinking that can be normative For example, if one model is called rational, then thinking that is not considered rational would, therefore be consideration non-rational; what is not logical would be considered non-logical or illogical. In colloquial speech, the dyad implies the head versus the heart or gut. Our culture has a tradition of giving more weight to the head, rational, logical, cognitive. But as science has expanded its boundaries of understanding, more weight is being given to the intuitive or non-rational thinking. In fact, several years ago, the Nobel Prize in Economics went to two scientists who advanced Non-Rational Choice Theory. Additionally, in physics, Chaos Theory has gained prominence to the point that it is part of the popular culture in the form of the movie, The Butterfly Effect.

For this discussion, explore this concept: It does not have to be the head or intuition, rational or non-rational, cognitive or affective when it comes to the decision-making process in the organization. Investigate how/if an integration of cognitive and affective models could precipitate a more fully representative picture of the human decision-making process in the organization. In other words, discuss how, if at all, it can be an ‘and’ process instead of an ‘or’ process; hence, cognitive and affective, head and intuition, logical and illogical. Finally, discussion how communication would support the ‘and’ process as compared to normatively creating the ‘or’ boundaries.