100 words assignment

For this discussion, please choose one element of popular culture (or an example of it) that you believe has been influential in fostering or exemplifying (illustrating) social change and how it has done so. Social media, for example, has lead us to become more involved globally and has created a platform to share ideas and issues. You may choose to discuss a particular book, song, television show or film, or any other form of popular culture you can think of (social media is a bit obvious here, but if you choose to discuss it, please provide a specific example). Please provide a brief synopsis (#nospoilers) as to showcase your reasoning for choosing it.

Other examples that come to mind:

George Orwell’s 1984.
V for Vendetta
the increase of feminine superheros in film
Rap and R&B
certain celebrities
(more recently) Enola Holmes
Or, if you choose to, you may discuss a way in which you think a form of popular culture needs to change (social media cyberbullying, for example).