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IHP 670 Program Critique Template

Use this template to help you format your program critique assignments in this course. If you choose to use this template, be sure to replace all text in brackets with your responses and remove the bracketed text before submitting this completed template for grading.

Please note that not all the suggested information in this template may be applicable to your assignment, depending on the module in which you submit it. Refer to your specific module’s program critique guidelines and rubric for additional details.

Name: [Insert student name.]

Date: [Insert date.]

APA-formatted reference for article reviewed in this critique: [Insert APA-formatted reference]


[Insert a paragraph that includes the article/resource title and the author and summarizes the core idea or goal of the program. Also, provide a 1- to 2-sentence summary of your critique for this program.]

Program Summary

[Insert a summary of the program based on information you gained from reviewing the provided resource. You may include information such as population need, targeted population and location, resources used, activities or interventions implemented, outcome measures and desired results, and authors’ conclusions and recommendations.

Be sure to address rubric-specific criteria from your module’s program critique guidelines and rubric information in this section, as appropriate.]


[Insert your critique of this program based on information you gained from reviewing the provided resource and other module resources. You may include information such as strengths and weaknesses of the program, whether the program results reflected success, and whether you agreed with the author or program’s conclusions and/or recommendations, as well as why you feel that way.

Be sure to address rubric-specific criteria from your module’s program critique guidelines and rubric information in this section as appropriate.]


[Insert a paragraph that summarizes the major points of the program and your critique. You may include information such as summarizing the key activities and results of the program, stating whether you believe the program should be replicated for other populations and why, and expressing your conclusions with suggestions for how future programs can use this program’s experience.

Be sure to address rubric-specific criteria from your module’s program critique guidelines and rubric information in this section as appropriate.]